Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Wired for Connection

John 21


Transcript Available

SKU: LW4692


Some of Jesus’ final words to his closest followers reminded them that they were wired for connection. Jesus simply says- “If you remain in me, you will bear much fruit, but apart from me you can do nothing.” Peter wants to believe this, in fact, he has experienced connection to Jesus. He’s known what it is like walk with Him and experience the life that comes from connection to him- Peter knows that this was what he was made for. But when Jesus goes to the cross Peter quickly reverts back to relying on his own power and strength by denying he knows Jesus. Tangled up in the mess of his mistakes, once again Jesus invites him back into the simple way of connection with two words “Follow me.” In the midst of Peter’s setbacks, Jesus is reminding him, and us, that its not about what we do for Jesus, its about being with Jesus